Moms’ Angels Gathering

On Saturday, October 2nd, members of Moms’ Angels gathered at Fleetwood Park to plant trees in dedication to their late mothers.

 Moms’ Angels is a local initiative, intended to support youth whose mothers have passed away. Members participated in the Second Annual Tree-Planting Commemoration, postponed from Mother’s Day weekend (due to COVID-19). In addition to planting dedication trees, members labelled each tree with a late mother’s name, and lay roses and flameless candles at the base of each tree.

 “I’m so glad to see our community gather for such a unique cause. I personally lost my mom at age 6 and in adulthood, I was inspired to offer the community an empowering initiative that would facilitate members’ healing journey. I founded Moms’ Angels to support motherless families and I intend that this initiative expands. I hope the events are transformative for our members,” said founder, Cristina Moonah.

Moms’ Angels partnered with Parks and Forestry at the City of Mississauga, as part of the One Million Trees campaign. Moms' Angels hosts a yearly Mother’s Day Tree-Planting Commemoration at Fleetwood Park, where a memorial bench is installed, in memory of all members' late moms. 

 “The death of a mother is challenging, especially for young children. I want our youth to recognize they’re not alone, and our events can offer such awareness. I hope that through Moms’ Angels events, our youth and adults find a sense of belonging and peace. I also hope they celebrate their mothers and the bond they share,” said Moonah.

 At the conclusion of Saturday’s tree-planting event, members enjoyed an array of refreshments and personalized gifts. Some went home with a framed memorial poem, customized with their mother’s full name.

 For more information on Moms' Angels and upcoming events, follow Moms' Angels on Facebook or Instagram: @moms.angels.fb or @moms.angels.ig.


Motherlove Meet-Up


Middle age grief