Mel’s Story

My Amazing Mama Life began when my wonderful parents decided to have me, they created me and for that I will be forever grateful to them️. My mum had me later in life at the age of 48, she had already experienced motherhood when she had my two half brothers in her younger years, but I was the only child my parents had together.

Looking back at the few photos I have and from what I've been told over the years, my mum doted on me, her only daughter, she was besotted! All my photos show that, I was a happy, smiley baby! Life was good, my mum enjoyed our time together so much, we spent 2 whole years together, she went back to part time work when I was aged 2, she was always hardworking, helpful and had a lot time for others.

It was in June 1993 that she received the news that she had ovarian cancer, she took it in her stride and didn't let it get her down, she had 6 months of chemotherapy and surgery. My mum had always been passionate about doing charity work, she met a few famous people in her time and I'm so glad to have the photos to look back on and smile.

In August 1994 my mum went back to work again, but unfortunately in the October she was told the cancer had become terminal and there wasn't anything else that could be done! My Beautiful Mama lost her battle in June 1995, I was 4 years old. I don't have any vivid memories of me and my mum, being so young I was unaware of what my mum was facing, I now look back and see her as a beautiful, courageous, brave fighter who I love and miss more than words! It's only as I've grown that the loss of her as become harder to deal with especially becoming a mum myself to two amazing boys! She would have been the best nanny!

After losing my precious mum, six years later I lost my amazing daddy at the age of 10️ I will never be the same, nor would I want to be. I was given this life for a reason and I will continue to make my parents proud!


Jevita's Story


Dara's Story